CSQ Funded Training – Eligibility Form 

CSQ – Construction Skills Queensland

CSQ Funding Eligibility Form

This page contains the full application form CSQ needs to assess your eligibility for funding. To access all general information on CSQ courses, availability please visit the CSQ-Funded-Courses Page on this site.

Complete the complete CSQ funding eligibility form.

The form can be saved your application if you need time to gather your documents. Once submitted you will receive a full copy of what you have submitted. We will then be in touch with you to discuss your needs.

Quickly overview the key eligibility requirements for CSQ Funding.

The form below uses these areas of eligibility and requires you to attach the forms necessary for assessment in each of these areas.

Summary for Eligibility

The below form will ask you to provide evidence in support of your CSQ application. These are the key areas of eligibility CSQ uses to assess your application.

1 - Do You Have The Right to Work In Australia?

Australian Citizen OR Permanent Resident OR Suitable Visa Holder?

You need to answer YES to one of these

2 - Eligible Employed or Unemployed in Construction Industry?

You are Employed OR Self-Employed OR Unemployed (<4yrs gap) in construction industry OR Active trainee in QLD on a industry-relevant Cert III course

You need to answer YES to qualify

3 - Some Key Exclusions

You cannot be in Management, Professional, Supervisory, Anciliary or Clerical role (unless applying for Cert IV/Dip WHS) OR work for an RTO OR be a participant in an eligible Secondary School Program

You need to answer YES to qualify

3 - Previously Done This Competency?

You cannot have previously completed the unit of competency being applied for at any stage.

 CSQ Funding Eligibility Form

You will have received this application because you initiated a CSQ Funding training course enquiry/enrolement. OR we have sent you this link directly. This form enables you to submit documentary evidence required for accessing CSQ Funding.