CSQ Funded Training – In 3 Easy Steps

Add skills, get job ready or return to the construction industry with CSQ Funded Training from NFP industry organisation Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ). CSQ-funded training is available from Harness Energy and, if eligible, participants pay either nothing or a minimal amount. Follow the steps below to help you realise your future! Alternatively, full information contained in PDF CSQ Enrolment Form 2022-2024

Training is key to boosting your career opportunities so, with over 15 courses to choose from – quickly find what you need to enhance your skills.

Not sure if you will qualify? This step helps you see the key eligibility requirements for CSQ Funding. See information section for full information.

Submit your enquiry – with this super-short form. CSQ Funding eligibility info will be emailed to you.

Help Centre for detailed information on:

  • Full List of Courses with costs
  • FAQ’s
  • Detail on CSQ eligibility requirements.
  • Downloadable information and key links

CSQ Funded Training Available from 3 Convenient Locations: Brisbane, Toowoomba & Chinchilla.

On-site options with flexible locations also available. Enquire below

STEP 1 – Choose Course

Frequently requested CSQ funded training courses are listed here along with the net out of pocket cost for those eligible for CSQ Funding. Next available course dates and direct course online booking form also provided through the List of CSQ Eligible Courses in this link. Use the enquiry form below for all course-related enquiries

Course NameCost (* CSQ eligible)Duration
White Card100% Subsidy1/2 Day
Provide First Aid$221 Day
Health & Safety Representative$1615 Days
Health & Safety Representative - Refresher$621 Day
Work Safely at Heights$401 Day
Enter and Work in Confined Spaces100% Subsidy1 Day
Gas Test Atmospheres$231/2 Day
Licence to Operate a Boom Type Elevating Work Platform >11mtrs$4623 Days
Rigging Licence - Basic$451
Dogging Licence$536
Telehandler Ticket$1601 Day
Operate Elevating Work Platform <11mtr$791 Day
Operate a Boom Type Elevating Work Platform$191 Day
Perform Rescue from a Live LV Panel$561/2 Day
Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety100% Subsidy5 Days
WHS Risk Management100% Subsidy1 Day

Check out our Training Facilities

All our locations have the capability and specialist training facilities to support the broad range of training that those starting out or working in the Construction and related industries need.

Training that can come to you

CSQ funded training courses are also able to be delivered on-site with our mobile training unit. See video.

STEP 2 – A Quick Eligibility Check

Construction Skills Queensland have eligibility requirements to enable you to access funding support. If you are already working within the construction industry in Queensland and are an Australian Citizen, chances are you will qualify. However, this quick check (hover over each section to see the summary requirements) will help you.

1 - Do You Have The Right to Work In Australia?

Australian Citizen OR Permanent Resident OR Suitable Visa Holder?

You need to answer YES to one of these

2 - Eligible Employed or Unemployed in Construction Industry?

You are Employed, Self-Employed OR eligibly Unemployed (eg<4yrs gap) in construction industry OR Active apprentice or trainee

You need to answer YES to qualify

3 - Some Key Exclusions

You cannot be in Management, Professional, Supervisory, Anciliary or Clerical role (unless applying for Cert IV/Dip WHS) OR work for an RTO OR be a participant in an eligible Secondary School Program

You need to answer YES to qualify

3 - Prior Training or Reached CSQ Funded Limits

You cannot have previously completed the unit of competency being applied for at any stage OR have reached any training limits CSQ have applied

Step 3 – Enquire Here

If, based on the above quick check, it appears you meet the eligibility criteria – Submit this ‘quick apply’ course application (leaving the CSQ funding documents until later). This form takes a minute to complete.  Funding is confirmed once all eligibility requirements are met and documentation provided (instructions will be emailed to you).

OR- Submit Full Funding Application Here

If you know you meet the requirements you can submit a full funding application along with associated documents that you need to supply using the form here:

CSQ Funding Help & FAQ

CSQ Funded Training Information

Harness is excited to announce Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) funding is available for a range of courses 2023-2024. This funding comes via CSQ and is therefore only available to certain QLD-based individuals or companies in the building and construction industry that meet certain eligibility criteria.

CSQ subsidised training assists in building the workforce capacity of the building and construction industry through targeted skills investment. CSQ programs provide funding to eligible RTO’s to deliver building and construction qualifications and short courses to new entrants, existing workers and those currently under-employed or out of work in the building and construction industry. The programs Harness offer include both Short Courses and Higher Learning Skills.

About Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) Funding

CSQ is an independent, not-for-profit, industry-funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry.

The Building and Construction Industry Training Levy (the levy) is a statutory training levy established under the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (Qld).

CSQ is funded by a statutory training levy established under the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991. The levy is charged on all building and construction work performed in Queensland with a cost of $150,000 or more (excluding GST) at a rate of 0.1% of the cost of the project. The levy is collected by QLeave.

How Do I Apply?

Choose Either

A Quick Enquire – from on this webpage kickstarts the process with an initial enquiry. Use this approach if you are not sure you will be eligible or are wanting to organise funding for a group of people.

B Course Specific Application – Apply online via the links provided above for each course.

Ultimately, you will need to provide documentation to substantiate an application for funding. Its quite easy and can be achieved both on and off-line.

How long is funding available for once approved?

Funding period is between 1 Oct 2023 and 30 Sept 2024.

What happens if I book on a course and don't get funding?

If you do not qualify for funding, but wish to still continue with the course, you will need to pay the standard retail rates for the course.

How does the funding actually work - Like do I pay and get reimbursed or what?

The full fee is payable for the course in line with Harness usual business practice. Once funding is approved you will receive your refund and you will need to provide your bank details to enable that refund to be processed.

What if I still have questions?

No worries – just contact us via the course or general enquiry form with any outstanding questions you may have. You can also phone us directly on 1300 327 637

What are the CSQ Definitions?

CSQ have a range of definitions that you may need to review. They can be viewed HERE

You can also phone us directly on 1300 327 637

CSQ Funded Training – Course List

Summary of 2023 2024 Courses

How to Choose your Course

Select the course/s you are applying for, you will be asked to provide both a start date and you have 2 approaches in providing this:

1 – Review the courses available for funding (noting you can check out more details within our All CSQ Courses list. 

2 –  Submit enquiry with a start date closest to your availability. We will will find the course closest to that date and liaise with you directly.

Some locations and courses MAY have some minimum group sizes applicable.

Understand CSQ Eligibility

Eligibility requirements relate to two key areas:

1 – Your right to work in Australia – You must be

an Australian or New Zealand Citizen – OR

Permanent Resident of Australia (if not citizen) OR

Visa Holder – with relevant permission to work. You cannot be the holder of an international student visa

2 – Permanently working in Queensland Construction Industry – You must be

An Eligible Worker (currently employed within building and construction industry); OR

Self Employed (within building and construction industry); OR

An unemployed Eligible worker (unemployed for<4yrs who would otherwise meet requirements of eligible requirements) OR

Active apprentice or trainee (registered in QLD, undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship as per the CSQ approved listings) OR

Completed Apprentice or trainee (1st Yr) OR

Workcover Participant

How to Apply for CSQ Funded Training

After you submit an enquiry or course application you will also be sent a request to submit CSQ eligibility documentation. It is important to know you are eligible and can provide the relevant evidence when asked as it may impact your ability to receive the funds after your training course.  The below list is provided to help you. CSQ supports those wanting to develop their skills – their eligibility requirements ensure funds are allocated as intended.

Eligibility Evidence for Right to Work in Australia

Australian /New Zealand Citizens:

  • Green Medicare Card (Current) or Snapshot of My.gov Medicare OR
  • Passport (current or within 6mnths expiry) of Australia or New Zealand
  • Birth Certificate (Do NOT include either a commemorative birth certificate or extract) for Australia or New Zealand

For Permanent Residents of Australia (if not a citizen):

  • Certificate of Evidence of Residence Status (CERS)

For Visa Holders – with relevant permission to work (if none of the above):

Permanently working in Queensland Eligibility Evidence

For Eligible workers, Self Employed or an unemployed eligible worker:

  • QLeave statement (current statement showing credits within 4yrs),OR
  • Current relevant QBCC Licence, OR
  • Employer Letter (confirming employment, roles, duties on company letterhead and signed) SAMPLE HERE LINK OR
  • Statutory Declaration (including roles, and duties within building and construction industry) OR
  • ABN/ACN registration (showing ownership and invoices for recent work in the industry) OR
  • Separation Certificate

For Active Apprentices / Trainee applicants to claim their loading (if not the above) per approved CSQ listing:

  • A DESBT Commencement will be required for apprentices or trainees (with details of commencement, registration number and qualification) OR
  • AQF Qualification (which includes the statement ‘achieved through Australian Apprenticeship arrangements’) OR
  • Employer letter (on letterhead and signed by employer) confirming apprenticeship details including Commencement Date, Registration Number and Qualification

For  Cancelled Apprentices / Trainee applicants

  • A DESBT cancelled apprentice training approval advice

NOTE: If eligible worker or unemployed eligible worker in first year out of CSQ approved apprenticeship or traineeship the following evidence requirements apply

  • A DESBT Completion letter ( with details of completion date) OR
  • Certificate of Completion OR
  • AQF Qualification (which includes the statement ‘achieved through Australian Apprenticeship arrangements’) OR
  • Employer letter (on letterhead and signed by employer) confirming apprenticeship details including Completion Date, Registration Number and Qualification

For Workcover participant applicants (if not the above):

  • As per eligible worker and a current Queensland Workcover certificate or letter demonstrating workcover for the period of training.